Our seniors health, stability and well-being is extremely important to me. As your commissioner I lead the charge to create programs such as our Healthy Seniors program that includes our senior eyeglasses initiative as well as leading the way to develop affordable housing units specifically for our senior community. I also spearheaded the first ever Senior Services Coordinator that will connect our seniors to resources available to assist them and develop targeted programs. With your support, our Seniors will continue to be a priority.

Collaborated with Valencia & our school district to provide educational opportunities & scholarships for both adults and children, including a full scholarship to Valencia or Osceola Technical College for every 2022 Osceola County Public School graduate via the Osceola Prosper program. Education is a great equalizer in our society and I will continue to be committed to providing opportunities with your support.

Our parks are an important part of our quality of life. As your commissioner I have created new parks that include our award-winning Senses all-inclusive park for children of all abilities, a dog park and our brand new El Yunque Splashpad providing much needed relief from the heat on hot summer days. Our existing parks have been improved as well – when re-elected, I will continue to ensure that we maintain these parks for our children, adults and furry friends!
Stormwater Drainage
Over $10M invested in improving stormwater and drainage projects in District 2 since elected, this includes over $6 million in grant funding which stretches our local dollars further. With your support I will continue to work on ways to improve our stormwater and drainage.

Public Safety
I have worked to improve wages and training for our first responders, upgrade and improve our equipment, built new fire stations, as well as a new Sheriff’s training station. Public Safety will always be a top priority.

Affordable Housing
Spearheaded efforts to develop 1,024 affordable housing units that our working families and seniors can afford. We have also increased the amount of funding available for rapid rehousing, giving a helping hand to those that need help with security and utility deposits in order to secure a roof over their heads. There is still much work to do on this front, with your support, affordable housing will continue to be a top priority.
Roads and Infrastructure
Nearly $2 Billion, the largest investment in improving our county roads in history, this includes $1.4 Billion from grants! We have set an aggressive resurfacing program as well as road widenings to include pedestrian and bicycle access for Simpson Road, Partin Settlement Road, Boggy Creek Road, Neptune Road and others. With your support, improving our roads and sidewalks will continue to be a top priority.
Libraries are such an important resource in our community. As your commissioner, I have renovated and upgraded our local library to include new technology & more classes — an outdoor wi-fi access area is currently under construction. We have added ‘Tech Central’ in our main branch, where our residents can record in a sound studio, use state of the art Mac Computers, work in our Sewing studio, learn robotics and much more. With your support, I will continue to focus on improving and expanding our libraries.

Jobs/Economic Development
Inflation is taking is toll on families across the nation. As your commissioner, I have worked on various economic development projects to bring higher paying jobs to Osceola County such as PepsiCo that will make a 180M Capital Investment and bring 180 jobs at an average $50,000 wage. I am also committed to support ways to diversify our economy so that our residents have more varied job opportunities especially in areas such as technology. With your support, our economy will continue to be a top priority.